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World Cleanup Day 2021: 18.09.2021. On that day volunteers and partners worldwide again came together to rid our planet of trash – cleaning up litter and mismanaged waste from our beaches, rivers, forests, and streets. World Cleanup Day harnesses the power of people around the world to achieve incredible things by joining together. Young or old: everyone contributes to a cleaner environment. Magnetar is proud to sell products that do the same thing: clean our nature. Magnet fishing is an exciting hobby where one of the most beautiful side effects is cleaning the nature.

With magnet fishing, we keep our nature clean!

Magnet fishermen are often passionate hobbyists. Every time you throw out your magnet fishing rope with your fishing magnet it is exciting what you are getting out of the water. Many people are not aware of how much beautiful stuff, but also how much litter and mismanaged waste magnet fishermen remove from the water. This is a great side effect of this hobby. Often people have no idea how much stuff is thrown into the waters: from canals to rivers, from ditches to lakes: waste is dumped everywhere. Magnet fishermen throw out their magnets in the hope of catching beautiful things, but also to clean up the water.

Check out our most powerful fishing magnets.

Tips for a environmentally friendly magnet fishing day

Do you want to contribute to a cleaner nature while magnet fishing? We at Magnetar have a wide range of fishing magnets, but we also have some tips below, especially for you!

A nature-friendly magnet fishing day || Tip 1 from Magnetar

Are you going for a day out with your fishing magnet? Always take something with you to collect your finds and trash. Think of a sturdy bucket, a cart or simply (sturdy!) garbage bags. By making holes in your bucket, you can press it under water in between and rinse the mud from your waste. It works just like a colander.

A nature-friendly magnet fishing day || Tip 2 from Magnetar

In addition to a fishing magnet for magnet fishing, you could also choose to take a filter magnet with you. This is a magnet mounted on a broom, with which you can easily remove small objects from the grass after magnet fishing.

Simply pick up bolts, nuts, nails: without straining your back. Remove iron and other metals from your working place, sidewalk, grass and parking lot in no time. The handy mobile magnetic broom has a permanent magnet. This way you can immediately start picking up magnetic objects. The magnetic broom is equipped with wheels and an extendable handle. This is to make the sweeping as smooth as possible.

Magneet op wielen

This magnet broom easily picks up debris from the ground: such as screws, nails, sharps, shavings, beer caps. The magnet ons weels holds them to the stainless steel container. When you are done, you can a handle to lift the magnet. That way, the magnet broom drops everything in the desired place. Clean the nature with your magnetic broom!

Don’t forget to check out our Magnet Fishing gear.

Width of magnet on weels:

45 cm / 18 inch , 60 cm / 24 inch or 90cm / 36 inch

A nature-friendly magnet fishing day || Tip 3 from Magnetar

True magnet fishermen love the nature. Magnet fishing is in fact an ecological hobby. The rivers, lakes, canals, ditches and wells are becoming much cleaner. Purely because magnet fishermen dredge the bottom in search of beautiful iron finds that make the water corrosive and pollute. We are magnet fishermen together, so together we also keep the name of a magnet fisherman high. Always clean up the stuff you find, point this out to other magneteers and help each other with cleaning.

Together we keep and make the world a bit cleaner! Did you also participate in World Cleanup day this year? Let us know in the comments! Planning to participate next year? Great job!

Comments on: World Cleanup Day 2021

Andy says:

Great article. It’s important to keep the water clean and magnet fishing is a great hobby for it!

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