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Magnet fishing has been gaining popularity, in large part due to the massive number of articles and videos showcasing all of the crazy things people have pulled from the watery depths. With a strong magnet attached to a sturdy rope, fishers pull magnetic objects from lakes, rivers, and ponds. If you’re interested in learning more, and maybe picking up magnet fishing as a hobby yourself, then you’re in luck! Read on for a step-by-step guide to help you begin your journey.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Equipment

Learning how to magnet fish is not difficult. However, you’ll need a few essential items:

Magnet: Neodymium magnets are the star of the show for magnet fishing. They have a strong pull force that can handle the strain of pulling metal objects from the water.

Rope: Your rope is your tether to your magnet and any treasures it may find – you want it to be durable enough to handle the water and the weight of your finds. 

Protective Gloves: Protective gloves are important while magnet fishing because you never know what you will find. Cut-resistant gloves will protect you from sharp edges and rope burn. 

Bucket or Bag: While not a necessity, a receptacle for your finds is certainly useful. It’s a lot easier than trying to balance everything in your arms when the day is done. 

New to the community? No worries. Magnetar offers plenty of starter kits out there that will net you everything you need to get started without the hassle of hunting down all the equipment yourself.

Step 2: Choose a Suitable Location

A good location is absolutely essential to a great magnet fishing experience. Popular spots include bridges, docks, piers, and riverbanks, especially in urban areas – think of all the things people may have dropped in passing! Looking into the history of your area can also help you identify prime spots. For example, if you live near historical battlegrounds, you may be much more likely to find items that were lost in conflict. 

Step 3: Attach the Magnet to the Rope

Knots keep you and your magnet connected! While a secure, water-friendly knot is crucial when hauling in your finds, using Magnetar’s magnet fishing rope can make the process simpler. With Magnetar’s rope, difficult knots become unnecessary. However, if you’re using other ropes or just want to be extra secure, some popular knots for magnet fishing include the palomar knot, the double figure-eight loop, and the anchor hitch knot.

Step 4: Cast the Magnet

Your location is chosen, and you’re ready to get started – so now what? Before casting, it’s wise to secure the rope to a solid anchor point, such as a bridge, tree, or something stable. This ensures that you won’t lose your magnet in deeper water or stronger currents. Once your magnet is securely fastened, it’s time to start casting! Keep a firm grasp on your rope and cast your magnet into the water. There’s no wrong way to cast, either, so whether you prefer an overhead toss or a sidearm cast, just give it your all! Just make sure to cast far enough out that you will cover a wide area.

Step 5: Slowly Retrieve the Magnet

Once the magnet finds the bottom of your chosen body of water, it’s time to start reeling it in, slowly. You want the magnet to stay close to the bottom during this process, so don’t move too quickly. It can also help to move your magnet side-to-side to cover more area, increasing the odds of finding something.

Step 6: Examine Your Finds

Once you’ve retrieved your magnet (and anything it’s hooked on the way back) it’s time to clean and examine what you’ve found. If there is mud or debris coating your finds, give them a quick rinse. Be careful not to catch yourself on any potentially sharp edges. Remember those cut-resistant gloves? Thank them in advance for the safety of your hands. Be sure that you properly dispose of any trash you may pull in, and revel in the knowledge that you’re contributing to a clean and healthy environment.

Step 7: Repeat the Process

And that’s it! Keep casting and reeling to your heart’s content, until you’re either satisfied with your finds or ready to move on to a new spot. Just remember, the experience is about so much more than just what you pull up. Try to enjoy the thrill of reeling in the unknown and cleaning up our waters. Make sure you’re always following local guidelines and that your safety is a priority, and you’ll enjoy countless discoveries and memories made by the water. Enjoy!

Magnet Fishing: Summary and Quick Guide


  • Use Neodymium magnets for strong pull.
  • Durable rope to handle finds.
  • Cut-resistant gloves for safety.
  • Bucket/Bag to store finds.


  • Popular spots: bridges, docks, piers, and riverbanks.
  • Research local history for unique finds.


  • Securely attach a magnet to the rope.
  • Cast magnet covering a wide area.
  • Retrieve slowly, keeping close to the bottom.
  • Examine and clean your finds.

Safety & Environment:

  • Prioritize safety; always use gloves.
  • Properly dispose of trash.

Contribute to a cleaner environment.

Comments on: How to Magnet Fish: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Chris dymond says:

Thank iam going to do mag fishing 71 now so have a it of time Thanks Chris

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